
Duo Kaos

Sow a thought and you will reap an action,
sow an action and you will reap a habit,
sow a habit and you will reap a character,
sow a character and you will reap a destiny.

Charles Reade


In a scenic landscape with earthy colors, two figures walk towards each other, while the space rotates and immerses the viewer in a dreamlike dimension...who are these two figures?...creatures from another world... "a planet to come"

...and then there is Ermanno, an ordinary human being searching for himself, searching for his authentic relationship with the world; we catch him in his moment of crisis, of weakness, of abandonment, in the moment of a precious transformation.

Real and imaginary merge, bringing out vague reminiscences of distant stories, wonderful visions; the two universes mix, meet and contaminate each other while remaining by their intrinsic nature separate like two sides of the same coin.

With a poetic and imaginative language, the artists move on stage using the acrobatic techniques of nouveau cirque, the poetry of dance, the identification of theater and the rhythms, breaths, silences of live music.